poem without a heroine

(This Material was created by…)


Theater im Delphi

As the future ripens in the past,
So the past rots in the future –
A terrible festival of dead leaves.
Anna Akhmatova, Poem Without a Hero, 1963

The multimedia performance explores individual and collective biographies from the past and present, which have been steered onto new paths by historical turning points, and raises the question of the repeatability of history. It is about memory as a phenomenon in itself, as well as an instrument under the influence of trauma and the violence of a regime. And it is about the value of everyday events that do not fit into a heroic narrative of human history, but which bear witness to great resistance precisely because of this.
The spectators wander through a performative labyrinth of memories, times and places, weaving their way out of historical reproduction. What can we learn about the present from these stories and how can we create a solidary plea for resistance and community?


Staging and text: Ksenia Ravvina
Performer: Leicy Valenzuela
Music and Sounddesign: Alexandar Hadjiev
Dramaturgy: Tina Ebert
Video: Daniel Hughes
Lighting design: Iana Boitcova
Production management: Lisa Siomicheva

Gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.


December. 08,- 09. 2023


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© 2021 
Leicy Esperanza Valenzuela Retamal
All rights reserved